The County of Lexington exports more than 124,000 workers per day. These out-commuters are a prime source of recruitable workers for new and expanding employers in the County of Lexington. The County also attracts more than 107,000 in-commuters daily.
Workforce + Demographics

With an annual population growth rate of 1.3%, the County of Lexington is planning for tomorrow’s growth by building new, state-of-the-art schools as well as improving our infrastructure system by widening roads and creating new interstate interchanges.


readySC™,which is recognized as one of the best workforce training programs in the U.S., has worked with more than 2,000 South Carolina companies and has trained more than 292,000 residents of the state since its inception in 1961. The readySC™ program includes recruiting, screening and training as well as a tailored curriculum to fit a company’s specific needs. APPRENTICESHIP CAROLINA
Apprenticeship Carolina™, a division of the SC Technical College System, ensures all employers in South Carolina have access to the information and technical assistance they need to create demand-driven registered apprenticeship programs. At no cost to the employer, consultants guide companies through the registered apprenticeship development process. Eligible businesses can receive a state tax credit of $1,000 per apprentice per year for up to four years. SC WORKS MIDLANDS
The SC Works Midlands system brings together a multitude of workforce development partners under one roof to help with all of a company’s employment and training needs. Their team works with new and existing industry to identify skilled workers and place them in employment. MIDLANDS WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD
The Midlands Workforce Development Board, which partners with local area school districts, county social service providers, the state vocational rehabilitative agency, the state Department of Employment and Workforce, local community action council and private non-profits, provides job readiness and motivation, job search assistance and job placement and retention services. REGIONAL WORKFORCE ADVISORS
Housed under the SC Department of Commerce, the 12 Regional Workforce Advisors are the state’s resource for creating a workforce of the future. These advisors bridge gaps by helping businesses partner with schools to develop apprenticeships and job shadowing experiences as well as help local industry reach students, educators and parents to relay information about job descriptions, salaries and general industry information. MIDLANDS EDUCATION AND BUSINESS ALLIANCE (MEBA)
MEBA impacts the Midlands workforce by connecting educators with businesses to create programs that align curriculum with work skills needed today and in the future. MEBA works across Lexington, Richland and Fairfield Counties, serving 6 colleges and universities, 9 local school districts, more than 160 schools and 100,000+ students. Plus, they coordinate the efforts of more than 250 business partners representing 16 career clusters. SC MANUFACTURING EXTENSION PARTNERSHIP
South Carolina Manufacturing Extension Partnership (SCMEP) is a private, non-profit group that serves as a proven resource to South Carolina manufacturers, as they use a strategic, hands-on, partnering approach to help South Carolina companies improve their competitiveness, performance and profitability.

Within the past decade, the County of Lexington’s Civilian Labor Force grew by more than 15%, adding nearly 20,000 workers, exceeding that of the Columbia MSA and South Carolina, as well as double the national growth rate.
The County of Lexington is the 6 th largest county in South Carolina by population with an annual growth rate of 1.3%. Learn more about our county, including commuting patterns, employment by industry, manufacturing rankings, labor market projections and more.